Tuesday, June 15, 2010


images for the final model:

the overall view of the bridge and environment: Repetition of the circular forms in different scales are connected by the simple bridge and elevators. this is articulating the power of women. as i said in the mashup, the power was determined by the mind, which give them the strengths. the circular form office express that the mind goes round and round, leading to adaption to changes and the essences of their power. and the building is in the huge scale, because in their mind, there is a world.

the stairs in one of the building. these stairs, with the bridge, elevators and the meeting place, can form a loop baesd on the two offices. the idea of the loop is the same with the circular forms, and it can make the whole design a integrity.

the stair of one office, leading from office to elevator. and this stair goes from inside the building to the top of the lower building block.

the Merkel's office, under the sunset.

a bit far away view: two major circular forms locate on the two sides of the valley.

a night scene of the building.

a shot from one side of the bridge.

it can be seen there is a platform on the building, it is for the rest place and location for the elevator. also, the openness indicating the world-wide based thoughts of Merkel.

on the bridge, seeing the Kerr's office.

this is the meeting place, which will protrude from one side of the valley. due to the fact that their worlds are full of complicated and colourful things. a simple and neat design could give them a chance to refresh and balance their mind.

the elevator from Kerr's office. the same with the whole style, regular forms were employed in the elevator. the big black transparent object is glass box. the elevator, except the lowest basement will be going from the top then cover the passengers.

the elevator from the Merkel's office. the big rings will rotate in a certain ways, and then the basement will penetrate into it.

the passages that connect two major building blocks.

a bird view of the design.

another side view of the bridge.

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